All-In-One Influencer Marketing

Find, Analyze and Engage the Right Influencers for Your Campaigns

Launch Influencer Campaigns

It’s never been easier to find and activate the right influencers to promote your brand and products. The Influence platform matches you with people who love your products and want to promote them. This is not a simple pay-for-play business transaction. It’s a love match between brand and influencer that maintains the authenticity and trust necessary for influencer marketing success. Share your campaign with our network of social media rockstars and start receiving notifications from interested influencers.

Influencer Campaigns

Campaign Management

Approve the influencers you want to work with and easily coordinate, launch, manage and track your campaign with Pixelshop Influence.

Start your free trial

Campaign Analytics

Pixelshop automatically tracks campaign results including engagement, social buzz, hashtag tracking and more to effortlessly monitor and evaluate campaign results.